Aurora Foundation
for People Abused in Childhood
Tel: 020 8541 1951
email: help@aurorafoundation.org.uk

Susannah (Aurora's Founder)
Susannah is herself a survivor of both male and female sexual abuse in childhood and using her pseudonym of Lucy Jenner, has participated in TV documentaries and Radio Phone-Ins to highlight the huge issue of sexual abuse of children and its often emotionally paralysing effects on adulthood.
During her own healing process Susannah found that talking therapies were just not enough:
“I found that there were so many barriers I had built up over the years that 1 or 2 hours a week talking about my issues would not open up the areas of deep despair and shame. I realised I couldn’t just let go......I needed to find other holistic therapies and healing to access and move through my pain. A range of sensitive and empathic complementary therapists and counsellors I found along the way helped me to gradually come out of my emotional prison.
It wasn’t until I briefly visited a crisis centre where Movement and Art therapies were accessible on site that I began to see the effectiveness of having a place where a range of therapies and services were available. It was the beginning of my journey to find the key to open my own Pandora’s box in a safe and caring place.
It has taken me a lifetime to find the therapies that have helped me. It was like looking for a needle in a haystack. My vision for the place I call the AURORA FOUNDATION FOR PEOPLE ABUSED IN CHILDHOOD is to put all those therapies in one place to better help survivors find their way through their own personal hell. It is my life purpose to bring this vision of healing to fruition and enable others to reclaim the joy and happiness that was stolen from them in childhood.”
Susannah no longer has an active role in the running of Aurora, but it is her vision that still drives the service forward.