Aurora Foundation
for People Abused in Childhood
Tel: 020 8541 1951
email: help@aurorafoundation.org.uk

Message from Susannah
Hi Everyone
I hope you are well and keeping warm.
Thank you all for your continued support of Aurora over the past months – whether you are clients, Team, Trustees or supporters - do know that your contributions help to keep the service going. It really is so very heartening for us all to see how the Centre is developing and expanding to provide more clients the opportunity to benefit from Aurora’s services and with consistent core funding we could do so much more!
However, despite some setbacks, Aurora continues to steadily grow and already 2015 promises to be a productive year with monthly Aurora Meet-Ups for clients which will provide an opportunity for socialising alongside group activities, external social events and a workshop timetable to follow. The recent introduction of Aurora’s Anger Release in therapy sessions has proved popular and fast becoming an integral part of recovery. I truly believe that ‘Anger is the Backbone of Healing’ when it is safely channelled in therapy sessions. The release of old rage, fury and anger can help us as ‘survivors’ to move through our pain and regain our true selves moving from Victims-to-Survivors-to-Thrivers.
It is truly my honour to be part of such a wonderful energy, meeting so many lovely people both clients and Team members who together work so hard on recovery alongside our valued Trustees and supporters who continue to provide their expertise and donations to help us to further develop the Aurora service. Although we say goodbye to some of our clients who have moved on in their recovery and a member of the Team who leaves us in early January – we have the memory of their time with us and the knowledge that they’ll come visit us again whenever / if ever they can.
Apologies from the Aurora cats who have been largely absent from the Centre recently. Ziggy and Zoe tend to use winter as a time for them to spend nights out on the cat town and their winter days sleeping off the excesses of their hunting trips. When the springtime comes again no doubt their furry faces will be seen again at Aurora.


Aurora closes for the festive season this Friday 19th January at 430pm and re-open on Monday 5th January 2015. Please use the support you have around you – the Samaritans provide a 24/7 service on 08457 90 90 90 and/or jo@samaritans.org
In the meantime wherever you are and whatever you are doing know that all of us from Aurora wish you all a very happy Christmas and a positive, fulfilling New Year!
Take the very best of care of yourselves and with all good wishes
Susannah x